What I Do.Shawn A. Schmalz

Web Design & DevelopmentI make things for the web.

As part of the design team at Nittany Web Works, I am involved in the design and front-end development of business and ecommerce websites. The sheer diversity of client work is what makes the design field so fascinating. By working with and getting to know your clients, you gain a valuable insight into many different fields. Helping clients put together and effective online strategy is the underlying goal with any web project.

I'm also involved with creating the visual interfaces for ecommerce storefronts. The work doesn't stop once the ecommerce site is up and running. Effective internet marketing is key to making any business successful. For this part, my duties include creating effective email marketing campaigns, social media promotion graphics & remarketing ads for Google and other search related sites.

PhotographyI shoot things....with a camera.

Getting out and seeing the world through the lens is one of my favorite things. I generally consider myself a hobbyist, but I would like to pursue more photographic opportunities in the future. I've placed well in a few photo contests and have been received well at local photography shows in Western Pennsylvania.

You can view a sampling of my photography on 500px. I also post regularly in a few facebook photography groups, most regularly would be in the Allegheny Highlands Photo Coalition Group.

Finally, I am a member of the Johnstown Camera Club in western Pennsylvania. Monthly meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month starting at 6:30pm. Stop by at any meeting if you would be interested in joining us.

MusicI create music.

A day without music does not exist for me. Creating, playing or listening to music is something I do on a daily basis. I listen various musical styles including extreme metal, indie rock, orchestral and electronic. Some of my current favorite artists are The Devin Townsend Project, Slipknot, Blue October, The Decemberists & Kill It Kid.

On the creative side, I play guitar. 6, 7 & 8-string guitars to be exact. My main musical involvement is the band Garden of Ashes. We are strictly a recording band consisting of two members. Local musician Brian Law handles vocals, drums and orchestration while I handle the guitar work. We have recently started to include musicians outside of our area to contribute other parts to our songs. Currently we are hard at work on a concept album that will definitely be our most adventurous offering yet.

HistoryI study history.

Reading, watching & visiting history is another big interest for me. Specifically I like military history. The Civil War, The World Wars & The Vietnam War are my main historical interests. You could study for a lifetimes and never fully grasp the scope of these events. I have a fairly extensive book and DVD collection regarding these various wars. I also enjoy visiting the many historical battlefields on the east coast. I have been to Gettysburg, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville & Manassas and hope to visit many more in the future.

I am part of a few history groups on Facebook. You can find me at Gettysburg Past & Present, You might be obsessed with Gettysburg if..., All things Antietam, World War II group and the Online Civil War Roundtable.

TodayWhat I'm reading & listening to.


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